A type of beer that is very common in Vermont.
Hey, pass me a damn Natty!
by Explainer if things April 22, 2019
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Slang term for a body builder or athlete that is "all natural" meaning no performances enhancer drugs, synthetic testosterone, synthetic growth hormone, etc.

The term is often used in derogative sense by unnatural body builders and athletes
Im a natty i do not use steroids or any other form of performance enhancing drugs /supplements.

Zach clams to be natty but hes only going to the gym 4 days a week yet hes putting on 6 lbs a week of muscle, plus have you seen his diet? Its trash definitely juicing.
by TheGuyWithMehDefinitions June 8, 2017
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The natural status of a bodybuilder; muscular individual whom has never utilized steroids
by Schnat August 7, 2022
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Nattys is the abbreviation for Nationals. It is commonly used among teenage girls when their sports teams make it to nationals
Gina: OMG we are going to Nattys for Volleyball!
Tiffany: Congrats! I went last year for Softball
by botanricecandy July 5, 2019
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Natty is the fat ugly Moshi Monsters character of famous player and celebrity music artist RatBoy most notable for his funk and rock music.
John: Hey did you see Ratboy playing that kids game?
Peter: Yeah, he adopted a crappy Natty!
by sickytricky February 20, 2019
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universal complimentary word that can be any compliment
Abel: ay trav this shoe look good?
Travis: sheeeeeeeeeee ye these kicks hella natty
by A$apRocker March 24, 2022
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