The exponential worsening of existence based on how God splatters your substance permanently relative to heaven on earth. The gnashing of the soul.
God is going to do some splatter work on the unpardonable sinners to prove a point that 100% evil is so thoroughly encapsulted.
by Hellsprung December 6, 2017
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(N). The chaos of brown that goes all over the toilet bowl and the bathroom after eating extra spicy foods.
My good news john! What in earth did you eat? You left a splatter pattern all over the bowl. Clean it up now!
by boggler November 3, 2023
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When you take a used tampon freeze it and then proceed to use it as a dildo
Hey Jessica do you want to cherry splatter tonight
by MCCherrybomb May 17, 2023
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Much like butt pee but still has a few solid chunks
I can't come into work today, I have the splatter poopies
by The dahmer February 1, 2016
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"What happened to thse young dudes? Oh, it was andrew langford driving. He chose mind over splatter."
Mind over Splatter happened when Andrew Langford decided to dab with his band MOW at 120 miles per hour.
by Cucklesuck22 November 25, 2020
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When ya bangin pals ma so hard her pussy explodes and it gets on the ceiling!
I tapped pals mom so fuckin hard her pussy splattered all over the walls

Vagina splatter
by Pal March 24, 2022
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when you cum in the palm of your hand and splatter it on a woman’s face like it’s paint and she is a canvas
i just paint splattered amy last night
by blake cloudzy_on_1ping April 19, 2022
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