When your dick and balls are hairy and you draw a face on them. Aka- Cris's dick
Ewwww you own a mini Sasquatch. Big larry is way better. get a larry.
by Broken Tri-pod December 9, 2019
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A term used to refer to a person of large stature, extremely large hands and feet, and an excessive amount of hair.
Christine is a sasquatch!
by micibus maximus May 20, 2010
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An idol to everyone Sassy and co from the big lez show.
by Jæky P April 26, 2022
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A male joining a couple for their sexual adventures. Could be either a three-plus or cucking experience.
Jenny and Dale's sexual relationship had stagnated, so they used tinder to find a Sasquatch to spark their sex lives back into action. Luckily, Earl was willing to assist.
by alviere February 4, 2017
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a woman with big hips, big thighs and/or big lips capable of giving attitude if necessary
that Sophie is a total sasquatch!
by aasquatch March 8, 2021
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group of people who can drink 1 llitre of water in 30 seconds
Sasquatch is defiantly not a cult and u wont die
by xXjerryXxYT March 23, 2020
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A person is BIGGER and BULKIER than yourself. You know that if you got into a fight with them, one swing of a fist would crack your skull open like an egg. You also know that if they sat on you (intentionally or accidentally, i don't judge) would flatten every single bone in your body. They also highly lower your self esteem because they are clearly bigger and bulkier than you. These specimens are the kinds of people we all aspire to be, but who we know we can't.
*you and a friend are standing in the lunch line*
*a big man named William Davis cuts you*
Your Friend:Can you believe this, a freakin Sasquatch jst cut u-
*you silence him before the beast hears, saving both of your lives*
by nb.Harris4 December 7, 2018
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