Worse that ur mom gay, ur dad lesbian, and ur granny tranny
If you say this than an alternate universe is to explode killing all life on it
Some 6 year old on video game: ur mom gay
Me: ur dad lesbian
6yo: ur granny tranny
Me: ur bicycle bisexual
Me: u still there?
by CrOw04 March 14, 2018
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1. A city owned bike in the town of Boulder, Colorado free for any one to use.

2. A Slut, everyone gets to ride. bicycle
Dude: What do you know about that Kate girl?
Cholo: Besides that she's a Green Boulder Bicycle.
by wiggida wack April 10, 2007
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When a guy recieves a blow job by a girl with pigtails and he uses her pigtails as if they were handlebars on a bicylce to control his blow job.
by AJAJAJAJAJ March 1, 2009
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A slut that lives in Big Pine Key, Florida. She opens her legs to just about any guy willing to give her the time of day. She has been passed around to just about every guy in Big Pine Key. She does not discriminate on age, race or social status, she just loves to take any dick that comes her way. She will swallow you and let you cum wherever you want. She does this to boost her self confidence, but this doesn't work so she keeps weaving through different cliques of dicks trying to find hapiness.
Damn dude I'm horny.

Bro, call up the big pine bicycle! She gives everyone a ride! A lil wore out but just put on a new rubber and she'll ride alright!
by Beentheremanytimes August 10, 2013
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the sex position where the girl sits on the face of a laid down sex partner and puts her feet on the bent knees of the partner. to maintain the balance, both partners should work in mutual respect, love and trust which are the main virtues of islam.
With a cute ass like that she can ride my islamic bicycle for eternety.
by Orson Wheels March 14, 2017
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A game in which you seek out people riding bikes and attempt to throw a football (throw anything really, but preferably a football) at the bike wheels in order to get them to fall. A game along the lines of throwing sticks in front of online skaters a la Big Daddy.
"Do you know what bicycle skeet shooting is?"
"Are you going to shoot me on my bike?"
"No, I'm going to throw a football at your bike wheels."
"You're a dick. That sounds like such a redneck game."
by Kromclovinfasho2 September 17, 2011
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1.) A fuck bicycle is essential just a penis. Just like bicycles, they are ridden :-:

2.) An exercise machine with a dildo on top that powers as you cycle <3

3.) An anology for rider or die chicks who are down for fucking anytime anyday for the most part '...'

4a.) A hard man ready to ride and lasts over 5 minutes 4.b) A fuck bicycle lmao
Gurl! My man is a fuck bicycle I dont need no help getting dick from other fuck bicycle(s)
by BestDefiner227 September 16, 2016
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