Ash is the name of a really chill person. She usually has black hair, is tall, and doesn’t do or talk the way other girls would talk. She won’t be crazy about boys but if she is she will say something about it. If you meet an Ash HANG ON TO HER. She will be your best friend for life
Person 1: hey, do you know ash?
Female ash
Person 2: Duh, I’m her best friend
by Yeet master21 February 20, 2019
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A type of Ketchup. ...Or an eternal 10-year-old pokémon trainer.
Hey, you want some Ash Ketchup?
by TapCat February 10, 2021
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When your skin is so dry and ashy, you can write/draw on it with your fingernail or any other object.
Have you ever taken your fingernail and scratched your skin and noticed a white, flaky line was left behind? This is usually caused by dry skin. Well, an ash tatt would be just that, but adding a bit of flare to the scratch mark. A simple design on the skin made by your fingernail or any other object and left there as a result of ashy dry skin. And the best thing about it's NOT PERMANENT. :)
by DPandAdam December 2, 2011
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Tiddy ash is when you smoking a blunt with your baby and the ash falls in between her clevage
Damn, baby you got some tiddy ash right there, lemmie clean that shit up.
by AC twigs December 17, 2017
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Ash is the "hero" of anime series Pokemon. I'm sure you've noticed that his last name sounds like "Catch 'em", a phrase used often in the show. He is incredibly dim, idiotic, and has no idea how to raise his Pokemon. If he didn't have Misty and Brock traveling with him he'd probaly be dead.
Ash Ketchum sucks at battling but somehow always ends up getting a Gym Badge.
by Miss. Self. Destruct. August 31, 2006
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a chick from England who believes she's the shit and front in everybodies face. She ie similar to an internet gangsta and aol internet gangsta she has make sockpuppets to praise her work on art and fanfiction sites. She is also known as VERY talentless and has taken to stealing other peoples artwork and re-coloring them. Ash-ass also has a tendancy of having "tradgic" stories to tell every week that ranges from family members sick to neighbor dying...This no talented chick is in serious need of mental help and therefore has many internet personalities and different talents!
Sammychan: My grandmother is in the hospital but here's a new picture i draw while in the hospital *picture of an edit*

IceDeath: You didn't draw that its an edit from some anime character ash-ass blanked.

Not-Sammychan: Your just jealous she has better talent that you don't

IceDeath: What? *has no idea what the puppet is talking about*
by IceDeath Shinigami March 14, 2007
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a.) the dirtiest of dirt, the grimiest of grime, the poorest of poor, and the shittiest of shitty people.
b.) the ash left in your piece/bowl after you've smoked your favorite ganja.
c.) Below the lowest economic class.
Carlee got in from the club tonight, looking like your standard Nigger-Ash.
by The Mile High Club April 5, 2011
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