a small school where you can find hill billy’s, trumpies, and a large group called “da boys”. the kids at chartiers like to write on the bathroom stalls woth period blood, and or pencil. some exotic things to find at chartiers are boys taking the doors off the bathroom stalls and kids smoking under the stairs. the food at chartiers tastes similar to the food you would give your dead grandmother.
you go to chartiers houston high school?”


you nasty thing”
by borderline dumb November 15, 2021
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The origin can be traced to the phrase in past tense ("Houston, we've had a problem here") that was used by the crew of the Apollo 13 moon flight, to report a major technical problem back to their Houston base. The phrase is normally misquoted as "Houston, we have a problem" as in the movie Apollo 13: "Houston, we have a problem".
by Che lichni November 26, 2013
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An unreal renaming of the "Sam Houston State University" in Texas. Sam Houston Institute of Technology, abbreviated, would spell, "S.H.I.T."

"Gimme an 'S'!"
"Gimme an 'H'!"
"Gimme an 'I'!"
"Gimme an 'T'!"
"What's that spell?!"
Crowd: "Sam Houston Institute of Technology!"
by Mindraker November 29, 2009
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A Group of Extremely Badass longboarders that blast down parking garages at incredibily high rates of speed. HGR dominates at all aspects of longboarding and speedboarding! known and repped by Carve Skateshop! HGR is simply unstoppable! HGR is also widely hated by other texas longboard groups because these other texas longboard groups (ALC and Other fags) get extremely offended by internet bullshit (Chubs ranting) and the fact that HGR is really badass, they just really want to be a part of it but can't because they are simply not badass enough!
ALC dude #1- "hey did you see those Badass Houston Garage Riders (HGR) dudes Steezin it up last night?"

ALC Dude #2- "Yeah dude i really wanna be just like them!"

HGR Badass #1- "yeah we are pretty badass dont fuck with us!!"
by Jake the HGR Badass July 12, 2010
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The college you’ll send your kids to if they
A. have an IQ below 100
B. Want to party instead of learn
C. Want to become alcoholics

D. Were too dumb or lazy to get the grades to get into UH, A&M, and even Texas State.
Sam Houston is a no name school. Think of it like this… Texas A&M is Adidas, UT Is Nike, SMU is lululemon, UH is the target brand, Tech is the Walmart brand, SFA is the dollar store brand, and Sam Houston is the Wish Version of Texas Universities. Huntsville is gorgeous however Sam Houston is essentially a piece of cow excrement in a field full of roses. The frats and sororities are jokes, if you having a beating heart you’ll get in with no hesitation. Also there’s a lot of STDs at the school and if you have a daughter or sister you can pretty much bet on her having chlamydia and herpes by her freshman winter break. If your girl goes here or is going here, she ain’t yours anymore… she’s for Huntsville.
I smashed a girl from Sam Houston State University and now I have chlamydia and genital herpes. She also had a bf too
by Chad Chett January 12, 2022
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1.Where people who didn't get into REAL schools, but like the idea of attending a four year university to get their degree in parole officing go.

2.Where self-sabotaging people go to ensure they fail in life.
I got a 1310 on my SAT and was therefore automatically accepted into every state school in Texas, but I hate myself and wish to piss my life away, so instead I'll go to Sam.
by Osten January 18, 2005
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A Hooters girl put a rude customers hot wings in her vagina before sending to table in Houston Texas.
Bro did you hear about Houston Hooters Hot Wings? They got a new flavor only for rude chaps!
by NASCARFAN18 August 27, 2022
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