8 definitions by Chad Chett

A convention for lululemon wearing basic white girls. After school, basic white girls will all gather up and meet up at target so that they can hangout and spend an hour and a half messing around in target. They’ll gather in groups of 2-6 and will do “crackhead” activities that include getting Starbucks, messing around the store laughing their heads off, and recording themselves on Snapchat doing cringeworthy stuff calling themselves “crackheads 🤪”. They’ll then go home in their daddy’s Jeep Wrangler blasting Morgan Wallen or Luke Combs and will go to Chick-fil-A before they go home just to repeat the same thing tomorrow.
Emily: Let’s go to target Bestie!

Sarah: I’ll go if we can get Starbucks before and Chick-fil-A afterwards.
Emily: Okay queen
by Chad Chett January 30, 2022
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A lie girls typically tell their boyfriends. If she says he’s just a “friend” then she’s secretly getting her cheeks clapped by her “friend”. This “friend” is probably in your girls DMs and snap Best Friend’s list and this dude is probably making fun of you calling you a simp and your girl is telling him “omg stahp your so mean 😂”
Her: Babe he’s just a friend

Me: He can have you have fun in the streets
by Chad Chett November 26, 2021
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Another word for a loser and pedo. They’re usually 21-40 years old and are 9/10 either anorexic skinny or 20-100kg overweight. In real life they’re super quiet and they probably dress alt or wear 10 dollar anime shirts from target. They usually rock a neck beard, a face so oily you could fill up your gas tank ,a fedora from good will, and a double chin. They also smell like a mix of hotdog water and cat piss.They live with their parents and usually work at McDonald’s but spend all of their income on their cruchy roll subscription, BTS albums, only fans subscriptions, and streamer donations. They probably have a 13 year old child as their “kitten” (girlfriend) and unironically believe that the age of consent should be 13 years old. They also have a strong Asian fetish or a weird thing for young-looking petite celebrities. They’re also either a nazi level homophobic straight or a Marxist/Stalinist blue-haired member of the LGBT. They also use the n word unironically even though a lot of them are extremely socially liberal.
Discord mods are cringe and you can’t change my mind
by Chad Chett November 22, 2021
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That one fine ass person that you’ll see in the hallways of school that you lowkey have mad feelings for but can never get the courage nor opportunity to talk to them. You don’t even know their name yet they live in your head rent free. You’ve probably imagined scenarios of them. You’ll wonder wether or not the feelings are reciprocated. You’re not sure if they fw you because they look at you and sometimes smile at you, but at the same time they don’t bother adding your socials or even initiate a simple conversation.
I still remember that fine girl that used to look at me and smile in the hallways. I never knew her name but she was fine af. She’s my hallway crush
by Chad Chett January 31, 2022
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A mf who will defend a girl he has feelings for to the death. He will treat her like royalty, buying expensive gifts, food, and even give her his Netflix account. He will also be seen commenting stuff like “Go bestie 😍” or “Material Girl 😌” on her Instagram. While he’s treating her like an A-list celebrity she’s treating him like a fan or peasant. She’s showing her sneaky link or boyfriend the cringeworthy texts that the simp sends her. She also uses his Netflix as background noise while her real man rearranges her guts so that her parents won’t hear her cheeks getting slapped. The simp will do this just so that his crush will acknowledge him in hopes of the simp smashing or dating the girl. All the simp gets in return is “Thanks Bro” or “You’re my bestest Bestie 💙”. He will also defend a girl for being a hoe by saying, “She doesn’t do it for you” or “Leave Her Alone or I’ll fight you”. If there’s one emoji to describe a simp it’s 🤡
Simp: so what if she has 120 bodies she is a confident woman that you could never pull.
Me asf: ight simp she let the whole football, basketball, baseball, and even band team hit and yet to her you’re her bestie 4 life. You seriously bought her 300 dollars worth of lululemon, Starbucks and Chicfila, and you gave her your Netflix, Disney Plus, and paramount plus account knowing she has 3 sneaky links lmao
by Chad Chett January 11, 2022
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A fancy way of saying a person is for the streets. People will be like “I have commitment issues” but what they really mean is that they cannot be loyal to their significant other. If someone says they commitment issues then it’s a guarantee that they belong to the streets and they’re gonna play you and even cheat on you. Commitment issues = Red Flag = For The Streets
Girl: I have commitment issues lol

Me: you mean you’re for the streets and cheat on people
by Chad Chett November 26, 2021
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A body type that is not obese nor severely overweight but also not too muscular or skinny. Women who have these bodies are typically 5-20 pounds overweight but in the right places. A mom bod typically has thick thighs, a soft and plump but also small stomach, and a big but not excessive butt. Women with mom bods also have good facial structure too. For instance you might be able to make out a jawline or prominent cheekbones. Women with this body type are VERY ATTRACTIVE and are highly desired by men. This post may seem backhanded but I promise you as a member of the male species this body type is fine af. Y’all look amazing (especially in leggings) and y’all give the best cuddles and hugs so there are no complaints on my end. However one thing to note is that all bodies are beautiful however this body type is severely and I mean severely underrated but most men low key love it :)
by Chad Chett November 22, 2021
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