Short for "butt fucking ugly". The worst kind of ugly one can be.
"Jesus christ, that whore is butt fugly! No wonder no one screws her!"
by AJAW August 18, 2004
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the mysterious bus that whisks away all the ugly people from the bar and replaces them with their beautiful cousins; usually arrives after your tenth drink.
Jose Contreras: Wow, where did all these aesthetically gifted women come from?
Bruce Lee: I assume the fugly bus came by a few drinks ago.
Jose Contreras: Shit... well, fuck it.
by benny b from the bronx August 17, 2007
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Fucking ugly slut. Courtesy of the movie Mean Girls.
That girl is a fugly slut fo'sho'.
by AuntieTATA August 24, 2005
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A Friday in which all the women/girls at your school/office/campus are too stressed out and tired to dress well or wear any makeup.
"dude, i had no idea Jessica had that much acne"
" ya brah, fugly friday, she didn't wear the usual pound of makeup"
by Jaevck April 24, 2010
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To be, "double fucking ugly".

She wasn't just fugly, she was dubly fugly.
by malignantpoodle January 31, 2008
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i word for a ugly girl that laura mason over uses
yeh that gal who got bummed, she's fugly man
by margary kike March 27, 2008
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