Victim framing means using your status as a minority or member of an oppressed group to represent your opinion as the only valid opinion, and claiming you are the victim of differing opinions. While their opinions are very valid and need to be heard, representing them in this way essentially locks people out of the conversation who want to contribute because they feel they can't voice their differing opinions/concerns without offending the minority
As a person of colour, Margo used victim framing to dominate the conversation about the future of funding public housing and quell dissenting opinions
by Prude & Trude October 15, 2020
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When religious people try force others who do not share in their beliefs to make shows of respect for their beliefs anyway.
Tom: “Bible” is a proper noun in this context, by the way. Mistakes in capitalizing proper nouns are a pet peeve of mine that I trust you’ll be willing to work with.

Steve: Is this really about grammar? Or is it about trying to compel me to accept your frame of reverence?
by jjaybird16 June 20, 2014
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When someone makes an action (usually targeted or personal) towards your or someone you know, in which you take a photo, video or screenshot of the action and use it against them later on to frame said person.
Wow, that was a stupid thing she posted on her insta story, I'll just take a screenshot of that and go Grudge Framing her.
by @Lazarbeam2709 August 7, 2019
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the coolest name with the coolest numbers at the end
making a cool person
omg frames#4888 is the coolest
by workframes February 22, 2023
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To be extremely awesome. Based off of an image which shows Joss Whedon playing D&D with the Golden Girls in a pub in a D&D-like world, an image which is, both literally and by this definition, framed with bacon.
Person1: Holy shit! Look at this picture!

Person2: Oh My God! Is that Pirate-Ninja-Jesus riding a Zombie Unicorn?
Person1: It sure as shit is!
Person2: That is totally Framed with Bacon!


Person2: Oh My God! It's Pirate-Ninja-Jesus riding a Zombie-Unicorn... Framed with Bacon!!!
by Chashmonit December 24, 2010
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a dude with some really cool lookin frames.
Look at Craig over there lookin like a bald Chicken Little wit his cool frames on.
by tbrando October 12, 2006
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