by Spaz De Kat March 17, 2009
When one wants to look funky one may pull their boxer shorts approximately 2 inches above ones trousers and fold them down thus creating this funky effect.
by Eddie Baby December 17, 2003
adj. the state of a female's being too interested in other women to be bothered with men, particularly if the woman is generally heterosexual
Dude, you see that hot chick over there?" "Yeah, but do you see her hot friends? She's completely boxed in. No way she'll go for you. She's busy.
by Another chick May 20, 2011
by fuckoff December 9, 2003
My girlfriend and I did some Boxing Box Boxing on each other this year; it's become a new Christmas tradition!
by David Tyrell December 24, 2020
The philosophy that regardless of attractiveness, age, and possibly (thanks to science) even gender, vagina is vagina and sex is sex.
by Hambizzle October 24, 2005