The state of which that procedure becomes more of a hindrance to a cause than the original cause.
Johnny would have won but, because he didn't pay attention to the bureaucratic bullshit and follow the 97 step process, Sarah won instead.
by ocean123456 January 6, 2016
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Getting a headshot and it doesn't count especially when when theres a hitmarker, team killers, bad teamates, weapons not doing the damage it says it does, and operation health.
This r6 bullshit is need to be fixed by the trash ubisoft servers .
by Fix rainbow six siege January 6, 2018
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When kids and adult confuse arrogance with confidence. They cannot be content with what they have so they start causing problems because they are bored. Most of it is just silly shit and get everyone involved with superficial, retarded logic because someone tells them to.
When you wanna stop this highschool bullshitt and grow up, you know where to find me!
by Joel Stephenson August 28, 2007
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When using bullshit isn't enough and you need to expand your vocabulary a little bit
Guy: man that's some bullshit!

Teacher: I think some of us need to expand our vocabulary a little bit
Guy: man that's some stupid bullshit!
by Degen fox hours May 7, 2021
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An individual who finds it impossible not to lie or fabricate a false story or experience at almost every opportunity they have to open their mouth. A person lacking something so substantial in their lives that they feel the compulsion to invent excitement and enrichment to fill their days in the form of total and utter bullshit.
"Have you seen Billy Bullshit recently?"
"Yeah, yesterday, the wanker told me he just bought a top of the range lexus for £75k but it had a fault so it had to go back to the manufacturers."
"How did he afford that on a Call centre wage?"
"He didn't, it's total bollocks, the bullshitting cunt."
by Ken Evans June 8, 2006
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a.k.a. Fox News, a right-wing propaganda network that gets fact-checked every night by Jon Stewart and his writers at The Daily Show. Broadcasters and pundits on this network tend to think that President Obama is a Socialist who does not care how much debt he unloads on the country while completely ignoring the fact that he inherited the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
When Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and other pundits at Bullshit Mountain said Mitt Romney's comments disparaging 47 percent of Americans as lazy freeloaders, Jon Stewart reminded us that these people include veterans, the elderly, and the working poor.
by DEA302 December 2, 2013
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