The act of screwing britain with germany in Hearts of Iron IV, by invading the north and the south simultaneously.
ISP: "If you go un Urban Dictionary and look up sausage tea party spit roast, this is what you'll see."
by TheSoschianGamer+ October 24, 2017
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Team Party Death Squad - A group of government employees choosing whether citizens live or die based upon cost of medical costs, survivability rates, and length of extension of life prior to confirmation of services.
My grandma broke a hip, but the Tea Party Death Squad said it wasn't worth it to replace it. She just died last yesterday.
by TPDS or die April 20, 2011
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when a bunch of americans, predominantly republicans, get together to bash the Obama administration, the government's apparent intent to brainwash all americans, and tax the US into poverty.

These are normally funded by wealthy republicans
dude!! some crazy shit went down at the tea bag party those rich guys put on at the town hall last night,

some guy was convinced the new Digital TV receivers were actually brainwashing machines..
by twinny22 October 28, 2009
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When a group of heterosexual men get together for a "day of gay", with one male homosexual. Then they take turns squating over the man's mouth, masturbating and dipping their testicles in and out of his mouth.
See those guys, they think they are mack daddies, but I know they had a tea bag party with Mr. Wilson.
by J-Right November 9, 2009
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A corporate-funded astroturf campaign disguised as a grass roots movement. A movement who's main objective is to further enrich the top 1% through various subversive means such as cutting the top tax rate (which is already the lowest it's been since the 1920s), and which has little agenda otherwise.
The Tea Party Patriots Official American Grassroots Movement is actually just a disingenuous attempt by the billionaire Koch brothers and Fox News to shift the country's economic policy further in favor of wealthy, powerful elites, ignoring the fact that such policies under George Dubya led to the Great Recession.
by big gubmint librul October 21, 2011
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The Irish tea-party is a sexual act where a male shoves minty mentos in a condom until it is full and preceeds to shove it into a woman's asshole and pour diet Pepsi into the condom, which causes her asshole to explode in a
furious rage.
Johnny: Dude, yesterday I gave Jennifer an irish tea-party...

Mark: No way, Does her butthole still work?

Johnny:Nah bro, that shit got fucked up
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When your having a big party and u teabag drunk bitches
Dude, I got aids from the last boston tea bag party ;
by Leonard William July 7, 2006
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