The most powerful substance in the world that can reflect anything
The substance that is needed to make the infamous ‘UNO reverse card
No u
by Darkness666 November 26, 2020
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the best comeback ever in existince
friend: ur mom gay lol
you: no u
friend: *dies
by CoolxZx1155 May 1, 2018
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it is just a uno reverse card for real life that can be used in any scenario like when somebody calls you gay or lesbian
Hey dude
Wanna beat my meat
no gross

No u
by A Boyz March 4, 2019
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Person 1: Name me all of your friends! Oh wait, you don’t have any! Ahahahah
Person 2: No u
Person 1: -_-
by Krazy Boi December 25, 2018
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something that only the "cool kids" say when someone calls them gay or insults them in any other way.
Bobby: Yor PHAT
Jimmy: NO U!
by DrizzleDickJr September 11, 2018
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What 3rd graders say when they get called gay or when their friends say that their mom is gay and their dad is lesbian
U gay” said Dan the 3rd grader
“No U” said mike

U mom gay and u dad lesbian” said dan
“No U” said mike
by Bennieboy 67 April 4, 2018
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A phrase that switches the insult to the person that said it
-Barry ur a dickhead
-George no u
by UnknownSTW May 28, 2019
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