An eccentric white guy with Asian facial features. He's known for selling knock off designer clothes, being addicted to marijuana and getting arrested for flexing with a fake butterfly knife.
Goddamit, Mees got arrested again,
I told him to quit screwing around stupid fake 50$ butterfly knife.
by 3azi November 10, 2022
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Mees is a very memeable guy.
Lasse: Hey
Mees: Ben je echt zo boos
Lasse: Mees is a very memeable guy...
by ketakiki June 7, 2022
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Mees is a beautiful creature with a nice six pack. He is also very kind. Mees is always longer than Isabella and whiter than Tobias.
Mees is a nice person.
by Tobiaslucas123 January 31, 2018
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A mees is Someren with a golden Dick
by Rick groot February 23, 2017
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Pretty neat dude. Bro-est bro of all. Defenitely not a squirrel, but species may vary. DO NOT ever, like ever, give a mees a clown sized penguin. Probably besties with a Jonah, not a fat one in particular BUT probably wears adidas. Not likely to wear a bra, but hey if you're a girl then it's fine.

Side note: do not give him/her a clown sized- clown either
''That Mees is one neat dude.''
by nizzle-fizzle January 11, 2018
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You're such a Mees!
by Lmao2348 September 25, 2019
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