A work of fiction that derives from or parodies the work it is based on. It is similar to fan-fiction, but unlike in that it disagrees with core aspects of the lore that make the work unique.
The Disney Trilogy, created by JJ Abrams, Rian Johnson, and Kathleen Kennedy, is the most flagrant example of hate-fiction to date.
by Allison Newmann December 23, 2019
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A new genre which contains characters, places, things, activities, events, and relationships which could not exist anywhere, primarily because they do not adhere to mathematics, science, logic, or reason and are simply impossible, but worthy of consideration. Its dialogues and/or monologues can be nonsensical and may contain non-sequiturs.
Inspired by the things and situations Dali and other surrealist painters and artists depicted starting in the 1920s, and hoping to surprise readers and sell many books, the writer began to invent and insert some surreal-fiction characters, places, things, and events into her story.
by but for October 3, 2017
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An extremely creepy, and often perverted, form of writing, if it can be called that. Usually the author is a crazed Fangirl who either wants to add themselves into a story, or have a love life with a celebrity they otherwise have no chance with, or pair two people in a way that should honestly never come to mind. Fan Fiction is often badly written by illiterates, and usually features some, quite frankly, disturbing scenes. I advise anyone who still has their sanity, or something similar to it, to steer clear of fan fiction. It's traumatising, and truly, you'll never be the same again.
Some strange fangirl wrote a fan fiction call The Milk Fic. No one will ever recover from this.
by CrusaderAgainstFanFiction January 7, 2014
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a kick ass movie starring ben stiller and meg ryan about some police guys who are trying to find this man who pissed in this like totally holy river.
awesome totally 5 stars.
we gotta get this motherfucker who pissed in the river of satchoowa
by ben January 19, 2005
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