The art of talking a complete stranger into buying something you made.
I customer-ised seven people at the dog park today!
by Buddy&TreatsStaff November 18, 2021
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When people make their own versions of pepe.
That's a nice custom pepe you have there!
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A well-known game only virgins play
person1: yo do you play hood customs?
person2: no nigga im not a virgin
by DangerousKilla March 1, 2023
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He has small peepee and wants to fuck himself but hes too small pp
Bro my pp is a Captain Custom right now
by HyPerEZ October 20, 2020
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You're on a customer journey, when you think you have a life, but you don't

The subject of a customer journey is a victim. The victim feels great or even fantastic, is under the impression to matter and to make sense
"Boy, it's hassle, I'm on all those customer journeys and am way too poor to ever arrive".

"Dude, put your mind to something else, you might collect real experience on the way."

"Don't listen to Paul, you think he's travelled, but he's only been on multiple very expensive customer journeys."
by slowsunnyday November 11, 2017
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(n.) What has been done for a very long time, although rarely recorded. Custom and tradition can often over-rule statute law.
An example of custom and tradition is leaving newspapers outside a newsagents' in the early morning, allowing them to be taken by passers by. The delivery company does not have to change its' ways legally because ti falls under custom and tradition, and this practice dates back to the first instances of newspapers in the western world.
by Gumba Gumba June 3, 2004
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