1) being completly and totally sarcastic about somethings coolness

2) something that is that cool
1) oh, yeah, sha-fucking-zam, thats a real cool Geo Metro you got there.

2) sha-fucking-zam, i just hit the jackpot!
by Mail October 10, 2006
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Fre shA voca do
Noun, Singular
1. From French Canadian decent, an enemy and or "one who opposes". Tribes from 18th century France used the term Fre sha voca do to describe enemies of the tribe.
Verb/Noun, singular
2. Fresh Avocado
1. When the natives were unprepared the Fre shA voca do's attacked.
2. Yes, I would love some Fresh Avocado on my rap please!
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bill cosby's way of saying "i hate life and wish that a group of angry retarded fat midgets would come and kill me with jew feces and rusty spoons"
(on bill cosby's "kids say the darnest things" "sha-boop-bop-diddly-doop"
by we spank at dawn April 9, 2012
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(a) a large building, warehouse or complex where douche is produced in mass. (b) a smaller building i.e. certain bars, restaurants or brewery's where fine, quality or aged douche is created and fermented. (c) a single individual purveyor of douche, when referring to an individual quality can be sacrificed for quantity!
That bar is a total douchery\´dü-sha-réé \ n:

Every time that guy opens his mouth it's like a tour through a douchery\´dü-sha-réé \ n:

douche douchery ´dü-sha-réé dushary douche bag
by Space_Cowboy_ March 29, 2011
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