Noun - a synthetic meth-amphetamine, used to help anxiety and can help aid in people who suffer from narcplepsy. As well as aid in a better night's rest. May also promote motivation and staying focuses
If you are having trouble falling asleep through out the day, try taking this pint. It helped me.
by Nameless Savage September 29, 2021
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Johnny was checking out bars to play music at, and they found our he is in Season 3 of Monopoly and they gave him a House Pint to help his chances (and theirs)!
by SRJCstudent October 11, 2023
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You organise a meeting with a colleague, go to the pub instead, neck a drink, come back.
*Pat on the back - good meeting*
Is it wine time yet?

Not yet... fancy a turbo pint?
Let's go!
by Continually Spinning In Chair October 13, 2017
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A YouTuber that make videos about Minecraft and other stupid stuff
by DinoSord July 20, 2022
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A person who drinks a minimum of 2 pints of beer every time they go to a pub or bar
I was once, but no longer am, a pint junkie
by Sexydimma May 16, 2017
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a person who takes a minimum of 2 pints of alcohol every time they go to a bar
I was once a pint junkie, but no longer
by Sexydimma May 25, 2015
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A way of saying thank you to someone for doing you a favour on the internet as you can't meet the person and buy them a real pint!
"My software version 2.6 is crashing can anyone help"
"yes, version 2.6 has a bug, you need to upgrade to version 2.7"
"Great that works! Thanks! I'm sending you an e-pint!"
by BonusBear April 8, 2010
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