Liquid Crystal Display Multi-Touch. This is a lcd tv based multitouch which is a big multitouch table and is built only by few companys such as and, to name a few. It differs because most other multitouch systems are projection based, such as the Microsoft Surface.
Person: Hey did you check out that LCD MT at the technology show last weekend?

Me: Yeah, it was very cool with 4 people playing on the display at once. I want one of those.
by Mr.CoolThings April 13, 2010
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Mother Teresa Syndrome (MTS) defined as when a person feels compassionate and empathetic for short period of time.
Mr. Scrooge usually doesn't like to help people out. I think he has Mother Teresa Syndrome (MTS).
by Navajojo April 5, 2020
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Probably the worst school in Montana as half of the kids that go to this school are fake mother fuckers that like to show off there loud ass trucks and annoy the hell out of ya.
Person 1: so yea i go to Sidney High School MT
Person 2: wait what, that school is full of loud ass annoying people
Person 1: tell me about it, all they do is show off there loud ass trucks and be assholes
Person 2: atleast its not Fairview School
by theshstruth December 15, 2021
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When you are running in the hills of Newton and stop at Mt. Alverina street and slam the water stop Mom in the back of her minivan. You finish up with some swedish fish.
Runner 1 : "Hey where is the next water stop?"
Runner 2 : "I think it is at Mt. Alverina street"
Runner 1 : "Siiiick...I am gonna Mt. Alvzzz this broad in front of us"
Runner 2 : "Nice kid. Save me some swedish fish."
Mom : "Hey team..good job"
by Richard Hasherpes January 27, 2011
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A high school in Mt. Zion, Illinois. The show choir program is a big part of the school and the show choir kids are the most annoying people you will ever meet. Even though the school is in central Illinois genderspecials abound. There are also racist hicks who are racist not because of exposure to Illinois's high crime rates but simply because they are losers who have nothing good to say about themselves other than being white.
Did you hear about Mt. Zion High School's new fieldhouse?
by venicebitch8 July 3, 2022
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A place in Decatur that just BREEDS athletes
James: yo, you hear about that kid at Mt zion?
Me: Yeah, he's on the basketball, baseball, track, and football team. He even wrestles!
by PossiblyLordSaladin January 19, 2022
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