1. Doug was pulling a Christian the other day when he biked slowly by my house.

2. Huy pulled a Christian the other day by asking me if i was working while he was watching from outside the window.

3. Jeff: "What are you doing today?"
Jake: "Going boating on the lake with my family"
Jeff: "Oh I already knew, that, I saw that on Facebook."
Jake:"...Okay, have you turned into a Christian"
by Sophmore MOFO June 18, 2009
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1. A political movement that uses the name and identity of Christ to gather support and momentum for its causes and ideals.

2. A social group that meets for networking and support, usually on Sunday mornings and/or Wednesday nights.

3. A follower of the teachings of Christ.
1. Glenn Beck organized a Christian political rally at the Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 2010.

2. My mom likes the 8:30 service at the Christian church where she is a member.

3. My friend John, the Christian, totally lives like a humanitarian.
by JavaJaneOhio September 21, 2010
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Christian a religious name, carries the blood of royalty in his vain, is a King of Kings,Independent and a great lover!
by layl0w November 18, 2010
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A person who acts WAY younger then they are. They have little to NO experience in bed and can be short tempered. they suck at Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and spas at EVERYTHING. VERY ugly, and troll like. thinks he has friends but doesn't. and will start a rumor to gain a friend. lonely, and doesn't know what his own father looks like.

"christian said your using me"

"wtf! ive known you longer, what a fag!"

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One who redifines Man. His Talents and abilitiies have paved ways the and inspired the likes of George Washington, Popeye, pod, and tarzan. His hair is the secret key ingredient useed in Kevlar and all victorious secret butterfly panty Christimas Catalog 2014. cretseDeveloped the pythaorgoreum theorem along with the true inventor The colonels's secret orginal recipe chicken. He spends his nights mainly exhausted from runnning through mccluskey's personal clitter twitter oh oh oh files.... HIs Teabag sets solar eclipses over McCluskey land.. Father of Beaowulf. Man child destined to reverse the current New world order. Not really the most useful household person, but will hack your shit like c.j.'s yellow banana hammock panties and slip n slide times...... just know.. none of this can't be talked about..
Wow... christian... future's so bright... gotta wear panties..
by dirtyleg May 11, 2013
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Christian is a guy who is exceptionally slow. He has the most amazing blue eyes you've ever seen. He can be extremely sweet when he wants to be, but he also has a very loud and obnoxious personality. He's not a fighter by nature, but he wont back down if someone pisses him off. He always know how to put a smile on your face, no matter what mood your in. He's a bit of a perv, but it's one of the things you'll love most about him. He's a pretty short guy, but his handsome face will make up for the lost height. He has a beautiful smile, sported with braces that he's had since he was a middle schooler. He'll alway be there for you. He's not good with relationships, but he'll be the best friend you'll ever have if you let him. He'll pop into your life unexpectantly , but you can't get rid of him once you meet him. Not that you'd want too any ways.

Christian is amazing.
by Brown eyed girl. August 20, 2011
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A person who has accepted Jesus Christ as their savior. That's all one must do to become a Christian. Contrary to popular belief, most Christians are tolerant and realistic people. However, only the hypocritical ones get publicized, due to the media loathing anything relating to God and/or family values. Yes, many Christians go to church, but the most reasonable ones don't force it upon others. Christians enjoy personal relationships with Jesus and don't really belong in an "organized religion" as the media implies. Reasonable Christians get really mad when other Christians act hypocritical or rude to other people.
Christian: Hey, what's up? Let's hang out, or go to the movies sometime. Or go to the mall, whatever's good :)
Christian-hater: Dude, I'm glad I met you. You're such a great friend; you don't seem to hate anyone and you're always up for fun, although not so much drugs and sex. I'm just glad you're not a Christian. Those frickin homophobes are everything that's wrong with this country.
Christian: It's really too bad you feel that way. I guess you'll hate me once you find out I'm a Christian. Most of us aren't jerks, you know.
Christian-hater: Ohh crap. Well I feel like a jerk now... but you can't be a Christian. You're too sweet, and sarcastic.
Christian: You accuse of us being narrow-minded; you are too, to be honest. Let's just move on, and we'll both promise to be open-minded best friends, okay?
Christian-hater: Okay, I'll try.
*they hug, then go to the movies and have fun*
by MissCaliBrownie April 7, 2010
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