A sexual technique involving placing hot and cold applesauce on a person's private parts and scraping it off with a kitchen scraper.
by November 29, 2020
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When you tear your ass in between your vagina and butthole and it forms one big hole
Me: Hey Dad, my ass and vagina are one big hole
Dad: Yeah, That’s probably just a taint scrape.
by biggay420gayass April 30, 2019
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A technique used on electric guitar or bass where the player scrapes the pick up fret board along the strings, creating a fierce sound that often compliments punk, hardcore, heavy rock or metal songs.
“I feel Thin Lizzy used the pick scrape well in the opening riff to Boys are Back in Town
by ShaneGreyLifts January 22, 2020
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A more aggressive term of flicking the bean.

Scraping the couscous requires a very stern hand during female masturbation.
“Don’t mind me, I’m just scraping my couscous.” She said as she ran her nail over her clitoris.
by Funface October 15, 2019
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Corn Scrapping
Verb…the act by a dog of dragging its ass along the floor to scratch its anus.
Noun…the brown line left in the carpet after a vigorous corn scraping.
John Michael: Oh gross, is that brown mess corn scraping on Grandma’s carpeting?
Drew: That has to be, I saw Daisy corn scrapping earlier.
by ClarenceBede December 8, 2010
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To entice or convince a member of the opposite sex that you are a viable sexual partner. Likened to "scraping gum off the sidewalk, or ones shoe", the scrape is a verb describing the ulterior motive that the conversation or interaction holds, with one party's final interest in sexual intercouse. Used in a derogatory manner with similar meaning to flirting, charming, propositioning.
Hey man, let's go to the bar tonight to scrape on some chicks
I was totally scraping on that girl at the social event yesterday
That guy was really trying to scrape and couldn't tell that I wasn't interested
by HypeSound March 1, 2018
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smoked meth. Usually varying in color from off white yellow brown to black.
can I have your scrapes?

do you save your scrapes, or do you burn it?

do you have any scrapings?
by Halunka Records February 1, 2022
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