A man who’s prominently muscular, breaks the camouflage skateboard every ride. Bad in bed (tends to fart).
omg look at cold go, he’s flying done that hill
by bigfatwilly March 3, 2021
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when a person in anime is like so strong and can FIGHT
by juicequeen November 15, 2018
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i thought it meant cold as in food and beverages. however it apparently means the following:

used to describe (usually a girl) someone attractive and good looking
it means the same as hot in most cases
"Damn! Have you seen how cold she is?"
by IssueIsSliving November 26, 2022
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1. The opposite of hot.
2. A virus that infects a person when they are exposed the cold temperature for too long.
1. Ice is cold, solid water.
2. Jay got a cold
by The local Argentinian guy October 21, 2021
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lacking a warmup, temporarily rusty due to inactivity.
Person1: "Bro you missing your shots."

Person2: "I just got on im cold, need to warmup."
by FonutYt October 11, 2021
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Homeless, homelessness… feeling cold to the bone, due to living outside; and knowing what cold really is when you can’t warm up. North Western slang
“Do you know what it feels like to be cold? I mean really cold; like you sleep outside.” ***while the first winter storm aproaches***
by December 15, 2022
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