Literally the greatest fast food invention known to man. A juicy fat friendly god amplified specimen of meat slapped on a bun.
I was hungry, so I decided to go to Steak n Shake and get a Garlic Double Steak Burger, with extra fries.
by Phil "Hot Dog" Kessel June 13, 2019
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a godly feast worthy of George Michael to romp on
Wow, did George Michael really just romp with that burbon burger in the bushes?! 8----D O: <- George Michael
by Beast of Burbon April 7, 2009
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a six dollar burger is a big pussy. a pussy that can fit on your hand.
That girls pussy was so huge. She had a six dolla burger.
by mirtomp June 29, 2009
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The the go to burger joint that makes you SLURP.
Person 1: "Hey guys wanna go to Red Burger?"

Person 2: "SLURP"
by ForrealIlikeWATER February 11, 2018
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Defined as the bad quality burgers served in less than desirable joints which when cooked give off a horrible garlic type smell which resonates through the air for miles from the restaurant extractor. Normally found on the province of Magaloof on the Spanish island of Majorca.
Dude “Man, what is that disgusting smell that keeps blowing down wind?

Chick “Dude, it’s those Garlic-Mingin’-Burgers they serve down there…you can get a frickin’ egg put on top too, how weird is that man?!

Local Amigo “Hey man, that be some mighty fine local fricassee you be cussin’ there!”
by _clint November 8, 2010
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