Term most commonly used in gaming as another saying for "practice".
Person 1: Hey, you wanna play some CS:GO? We need another person for a full team.
Person 2: Sure, give me a few minutes, I gotta warm up.
by 1kpt July 30, 2021
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Someone who can’t do anything right, has no concept of right/wrong, no morals or ethics, uses manipulates takes advantage of & lies to everyone, including themselves, sees no wrong in their selfish actions, will suck the life out of everyone they come in contact with & bring them down & ruin their life, lacks a sense of consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one's own conduct, intentions, or character, has no feeling of obligation to do right or do good & zero integrity
Judy Hanley is complete total fuck-up!! She is toxic & could use some enlightenment & long hard look in the mirror & accept responsibility for her own life.
by HelpfulHannah April 2, 2021
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the action of having a more than decent/ good amount of eliminations or a streak of kills in cod or some other fps. also could be known as 'racking up bodies'.

to carve up, you are good at what your playing and you have experience with mass genocide.
player/teammate: "yo what the fuck chris, you carving up my g"

'chris' who is carving up: "thanks nigga"


player who is carving up: "cuz, im carving/carving up"

teammate: "you have 3 kills bitchass"
by Dead step sister February 17, 2021
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when a guy stronger hurts you mentally and physically, so you knock out a person stronger than him.
Guy: a guy from grade 11 hurt me, but i refused to tell
Guy 2: Whadja do?
Guy: I knocked out the strongest guy on the ground and threatened to knock anyone if they dared to give me shit!, even the guy that knocked me out thought he was next, now i'm king of pain
Guy 2: Didja get caught
Guy: even the principal thought his life was on the line. i make shit roll up hill
by your best idiot April 8, 2010
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When one does something really bad they will regret later (unless they have no conscience at all).
I knew a guy who planned a school shooting cuz he got upset over a rumor of him and a girl. Turns out he was joking though he got a felon and it was all over the news. That guy is an example of When you F up.
by happyatcommonsense February 24, 2019
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