Caleb from Geneva, New York was haunted & then possessed by Sobek when he visited a museum to see a mummy who was an Egyptian priestess protected by Sobek in her afterlife. To know more, use base64 decoder to decode this aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1zRS1BMlVfc1BhUQ==
by Jumbled McGobbledygook June 24, 2021
Sobek-"As he is a god of the nile, the water pours forth from his sweat and the herbage is made green."
by Nistrams420 April 24, 2004
All Hail the Mighty God who allows thy reproduction but requires sacrifices of mummified crocodiles to preserve sperm counts.
by Not_Tommy_Wiseau June 6, 2019
Mr. Michael Sobek is not even my teacher and he is so hot that I want him to pound me. My favorite part is his butt.
by Don't get me in trouble June 30, 2019
A state of extreme resource depletion, often accompanied by vocal distress. Originating from a Valorant player (Sobek) known for perpetually running out of Viper's toxic abilities, "Sobek's Toxins" now describes any situation where someone is critically low on essential supplies, energy, or patience. Can also refer to the act of dramatically announcing this depletion.
by sobrrrt January 7, 2025