a) an infamous massacre committed by Al Capone on St Valentine's Day 1929
b) when one breaks up with their significant other on St Valentine's Day
Do not commit a St Valentine's Day Massacre, definition b) , on your significant other.
by Sexydimma March 4, 2015
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When two lovers break up on or just before Valentine's Day. Usually over money, sexual frustrations, or because they don't feel they actually love one another enough to be valentine's day(Love holiday) worthy. Pure stupidity, ladies and gentlemen! Also a leading cause for higher suicide rates around the world at this time of year. Attention Valentine's Day Break-ups are the moves of all things filthy cold and heartless, these kind of people will die alone one day.
Valentine's Day Break-up example 1:
"How was your Valentines Day?"

"John broke up with me."

"What a loser. I'm sorry your sad. You will find someone."

Valentine's Day Break-up example 2:

5 days before V-Day.
"Hey Kate! We Should get together for Valentines Day."
"Sorry Justin, I can't do this anymore, I want to be alone."

"You waited until now to tell me this! WHY?"
by BLOodyValenTINE666 February 12, 2010
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Very excitedly and constantly checking your email, only to find the message you wish was there has not arrived yet.

I was checking my messages like a schoolie on Valentine's Day all morning, and still no job offer.


Dick: Where are you rushing off to?

Susy: I have to see if Tony has written me an email.

Dick: Woman, you are acting like a schoolie on Valentine's Day. Tony hates you.
by AxtoGrind July 3, 2009
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The only day of the year you can finally get your girl agree to have butt sex.
Josh: Dude! You hyped for Valentine's day?
Parker: Yeah! Gonna get a whole bunch of that Valentine's day butt sex.
by Taco+Shurry=<3 February 13, 2014
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Have some girls get on their knees in a line. Proceed to take your pants off and bunny hop down the line, slapping the girls across the cheek with your cock.
Girls get down, I am about to perform the St. Valentine's Day Massacre
by studmuffin March 8, 2005
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a) an infamous massacre committed by Al Capone on St Valentine's Day 1929

b) when one breaks up with their significant other on St Valentine's Day
Do not commit a St Valentine's Day Massacre, definition b) , on your significant other.
by Sexydimma December 8, 2014
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