A psychological disorder where one deliberately catches a tinea fungal infection (athlete's foot)
Wear ya jandals in the showers mate, i hear crazy Johnny suffers from recreational fungus disorder
by donramono July 15, 2017
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1. Someone who uses dating apps to hook up with different people frequently

2. Used for holding a coal for an extended period of time, so as to not have to go through the effort of restarting a fire
1. "I saw you with that tinder fungus again the other day."

2. "Make sure to use some of that tinder fungus before we leave camp."
by Survivorman777 June 7, 2018
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A person who has striking similarities with the character known as Jeff fungus from the monsters inc. movie, they also smell of schmegma
you’re dating schmeg fungus? Wow you must have no friends
by Dyldo Gaggins February 13, 2020
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Chino: say bro what strain is this this some gas

Chika: this that blue fungus from them inverted niggas
by Tobi333 August 3, 2021
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When someone or something is angry and they need to chill out and play the bongos.
“Finleighs being such a dungus fungus”
by spongebobisalegend August 26, 2019
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