1.) a person's head (not head of your penis, the one above your neck)

2.) someone who is being such a fruity douche that the doucheyness is practically spraying from them like from a nozzle
person a: hey let me feel your head

a: did you see the guy dancing by himself?
b: yeah he is such a frouche nozzle
by brendan carr-skies October 15, 2008
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A word you use when you are in a Christan Minecraft server and someone is being a dick
Stop taking my diamonds you fob nozzle
by A fa February 11, 2018
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A word you use when you call someone Christan Minecraft server and someone is being a dick
Stop taking my diamonds you fob nozzle
by A fa February 11, 2018
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Douche Nozzle; Noun, a person who is a douche and annoying mostly in video games ,and grease bag and nozzle because, they nozzle on dick and or there mom's tits.
by MRLobsterr November 27, 2020
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n. german for "jackass." Pronounced fast with a heavy accent as "doshnozzle."
Tim is a real douche nozzle. He came and drank all our beer and left.
by superbubba October 20, 2009
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THE mega DOUCHE... leader of all douche bag like fagwads, and only one compared to Nigward himself may express the term known as "Douche Nozzle"
DUDE, you are such a hecking Douche Nozzle
by Douche Lord The Great 6969 January 2, 2019
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Coined by MLR, someone who is at the leading edge of douchebaggery. Literally a person ahead of their time when it comes to being a total douchebag.
“Hey, you in the swan shirt...yeah you, you douche nozzle, yeah, stop being a creeper
by Pedrito the Words February 16, 2020
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