Where your watching Netflix and your watching x-men with Jennifer Lawrence basically naked so you have a wank
yo dude what u doing after school?

just solo Netflix and chilling bro

that's sick bro!!
by egg's is for the horny October 11, 2015
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It's like the same thing as Netflix and Chill but, it's said differently so no one gets confused with Netflix and Chill, meaning to watch Netflix and chilling with your friend.
Guy: Hey babe, you want to Netflix and "Fuck you" Chill?
Girl: Yeah sure, be sure you have the condoms.
Guy: Yeah ok, I'll see you later!
Girl: See you then!
by VideogamemasterN January 24, 2016
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A super-direct way to get in the door for a fuck. Netflix and chill, means that you are going to go over to your partners house and fuck with Netflix in the background. The compliment about the shoes, ensures this approach's effectiveness.
Bromigo 1: Yo, me and Karen totally just fucked to "Despicable Me 2"
Bromigo 2: Bruh...dude! How'd you get her to agree to that!?!
Bromigo 1: I said what any proper gentleman would, "Nice Shoes, wanna Netflix and Chill?"
by Jamesknapper September 4, 2015
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When you engage in sexual activity while netflix plays in background
“ We could be netflix and chilling right now but your playing 😉”
by Mr steal yo bich October 9, 2021
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Origin: Unknown
Pronunciation: Netfleex and Cheek
The action of Fucking With Netflix in the background
by 7H3 5P4N15H 0N3 June 30, 2023
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He said he wanted to "Netflix and chill" but then strated to unzip his pants??
by MichaelMLP September 1, 2023
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