A phrase meaning "read at your own risk," originating from the TV show Arrested Development. A man takes a paper bag out of the fridge that has a note saying "dead dove, do not eat," which he opens to discover a dead dove and exclaims "I don't know what I expected."
The tag is popular in fanfiction because it allows the author to warn the reader that they're probably not going to like what's inside, and now the guilt is out of their hands.
Commenter 1: OP why did you have to kill the main character, I'm gonna be ruined for a week and it's your fault

Commenter 2: they literally tagged it dead dove: do not eat
by GrayHollows August 14, 2022
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Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, or read dove for short, is a tag often used on the popular fanfiction site Archive of our own (Ao3) to mark stories that have sensitive or disturbing content listed in the other tags.
"That story has Dead Dove: Do Not Eat tagged. I'd rather not be scarred for life, so I'll leave it alone"
by CrowTheWatcher May 23, 2022
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A marketing campaign disguised as a Public Service Announcement. A series of ads by Dove/Unilever featuring several thick-waisted, moderately attractive women that are supposed to change the face of beauty, er, sell lots of soap. Mainly appeal to insecure, middle class female bloggers who can't deal with the fact that there are women out there who are thinner and prettier than themselves or their overindulged daughters. The revelation that many of these ads had been heavily airbrushed has pretty much brought this nonsense to an end.
Laura: I bought the Dove firming cream because the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty is trying to make women love their bodies as they are.

Caitlin: If our bodies are beautiful as they are, why do we need firming cream?
by St Veronica July 4, 2010
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A fanfic tag that warns you to take the other tags seriously. For example, if one tag says 'non-con', expect non-con. Don't think, 'ah, it's probably just dub-con.' If the tags say 'organ harvesting', expect literal organ harvesting. Don't take it as a joke or exaggeration. You were warned.

Very commonly misunderstood as a general warning of bad things to come, because it's so often used beside more serious tags, when really it's a specific warning not to take the other tags lightly.

(Originally comes from the TV show Arrested Development, referencing a scene in which the character Michael Bluth finds a bag in the fridge that says DEAD DOVE, DO NOT EAT. He opens the bag anyway, before wincing, and saying, 'well, I don't know what I expected..')
#medical malpractice #human experimentation #gore #major character death #dead dove: do not eat
by squaresquire June 10, 2023
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Dead dove: Do not eat is a tag (or label) put on fandiction works on Archive of Our Own (AO3) to tell the reader that the content contains sensitive or graphic topics.
1: Hey, wanna read this fanfic together?
2: It’s tagged with Dead dove: Do not eat, are you sure you wanna read this?
1: Ooh.. maybe not..
by Spookycould July 20, 2022
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when a female is finishing a male off, and he shoots his load into both of the female's eyes, and painfully blinds her
I think you just gave me dove's eyes
Really??? It was quite painless
by sperm bank August 7, 2008
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A turd who is a snake in the grass. Either a snitch or kiss ass turd. Brown Nosed Mud Doves are a species of Gerbs.
You are a Brown Nosed Mud Dove
by Brown Nosed Mud Dove October 28, 2009
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