small town teens slang for vape (mostly dispos) also known as choochie
Jayden- hey man can i hit ur vape?
aiden- you mean my chooch? and fuck no it's almost dead
by mike..oblong March 8, 2022
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a vape or nicotine device. primarily used by high schoolers in northern virginia. synonyms being "hardware", "booch", "nic", etc. not to be confused with cooch, which isn't the same thing at all
yo you mind passing the chooch?
by kingbooch February 8, 2021
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Hey scott, let’s chooch to philly for the weekend and catch a Jeff Risenstock show.
by eclarrrk July 4, 2018
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When one jumps on another in the testicle area.
Aw man I just got chooched real bad. I loved that painful chooch.
by 123456789abcd May 3, 2017
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A 'chooch' is a combination of the words 'cheap' and 'mooch'.
That guy is such a 'chooch' he owes everyone I know!
by ToneSpokes January 26, 2023
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A slang word for a female's 'private' anatomy. Another name for vagina
I'm so nervous. I hope my chooch doesn't rip when I have my baby. I heard it can.
by CielBleu December 27, 2018
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Slang for a female's private part. Can be called a choochy or choochie
I have to go for my yearly exam at the gyno to get my chooch checked out.
by CielBleu November 18, 2016
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