100 refers to the state of keeping it real or being completely honest about a situation. Gun it refers to destroying something. Therefore to 100 or gun it means that either you keep it real or prepare to die.
Guy 1: What's up homey? Did you hear about John?
Guy 2: Naw kill that ish, I 100 or gun it.
by ministryoftruth December 18, 2011
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A term used to describe a gun with low mobility and high DPS/ammunition. Guns that count as Brody guns consist of: RPG's, LMG's, Anti-material rifles, and of course, the minigun.
Guy 1: Check out this sick LMG I got!
Guy 2: That's definitely a Brody Gun
by LukeDaNoob February 25, 2021
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a large human with broad shoulders and very ugly. interaction with this human may end up in pain.
'chris is a damn stun gun tonight'
by johnoboy May 14, 2008
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A dramatic principle that states that a prominently featured object, character or plot hook must always end up being irrelevant and go absolutely nowhere, because pointlessly subverting people's expectations is the height of storytelling genius.
"I guess the author kind of forgot about all that massive foreshadowing they did back in Act 1.."
"Nah. It was probably an example of Benioff's Gun..."
by Streetad July 27, 2021
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When one begins to smoke weed before they go to smoke weed.
"Hey man, what are you doing? We won't be at the party til 9!"
"I told him bro, but he's Shrubbin' the gun!"
by MilkyPilky February 7, 2013
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The act of masturbating oneself in jail or prison to a female guard assuming inmate is heterosexual. An additional yr. plus can be added to sentence if one is caught in the act.
The other night Reggie in CB 4 got caught gunning it down. He got another year added on to his sentence.
by 1956 Squirrel July 20, 2017
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an underrated game made by the company of mihoyo continuing their series of kiana
popcorn : hey u heard of gun girls z, is it true that it's getting shut down?
fart : yea
by watamote September 3, 2021
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