Take in the mouth fat hairy dick in black.
"Hey, whore, go buy sausage"
"I suck-suck-suck that the sausage"
by Abrikos December 19, 2016
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The odd mix of horny dudes and desperate drunk girls looking to hook-up after the bar closes
She went home with him after the usual sausage scramble post-bars
by newtonsApple March 6, 2012
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street sausage is :
1) a sausage such as a hot dog or hot sausage found in the street from a vendor or from the ground

2)male genitalia that is often whorish in nature and would be better off on the streets
3) an insult which is used when no other insult seems suiting
Example 1: Friend 1: Wow that street sausage was amazing, I hope that rat drops some more tomorrow!
Friend 2: Not sure which street sausage you were eating but that vendor was selling some mad street sausage
Example 2: Girl Friend: Wow Carly, Ted's so gross, he may as well have a street sausage
Example 3: You ain't nothing more than a street sausage!
by StolenCreation July 10, 2019
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This is when a lady fills her vagina full of sand on the beach and then a man enters with consent.
Hi Sandra do you want to go to the beach and practice doing a Sandy Sausage?
by Oldburyslappa October 7, 2021
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The act of cutting ones sausage (penis) for sexual pleasure or torture
Dude last night Betty tied me to her bed and started sausage slicing me I was screaming in pain and pleasure
by Damen doggy January 21, 2017
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Why do you moan so loudly in the toilet? Are you masturbating there?!
No , sorry , I just make a redneck sausage
by TrumpStump December 16, 2016
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