A people who metaphorically lose their heads because they are ignorant how privilege plays a part in systemic racism.
Those Karen Antoinettes will block you at even hinting that economic opportunities aren't equal
by p4163 August 7, 2020
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Columbia coffee half cup
Creamer and sugar
Other half of cappuccino

Half coffee and cappuccino
Karen walks into a coffee shop and demands a regular coffee and asks for the manager when she doesn’t get “Karen’s coffee order
by The Crabb November 23, 2020
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A painfully frustrating person who demands to buy items that don't exist while also refusing to listen to reason.
Joe: Deaf Karen was in again today demanding to buy that chopping board she ordered.
Dale: That's the 4th time this week, we haven't had time to make it yet!!!
Joe: uh-huh
by TerribleDrip996 September 9, 2021
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we appreciate how dumb the Karens are,for example NO one wants them to speak to the manger-
by December 3, 2020
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The much better version of Karen. They don't waste their time with asking for the manager, and instead appreciate the workers for trying their best. And, they're incredibly fun to be around!
"Karene is such a nice customer, she never complains."
by DefinitionLordd July 30, 2020
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It is no surprise that gold symbolizes wealth used wisely, but it is also the symbol of good health. People who favor the color gold are optimistic. The Tibetan Buddhist believes in 5 sacred stones: the crystal for light, turquoise for infinity of sea and sky, coral for life and form, gold for the golden ray of the sun, silver for the light of the moon. Gold is intimately linked with Divinity and those gods associated with the Sun. It symbolizes wealth and success.
as a name for girls is of Greek derivation, and the name Karene means "maiden; beloved".
by CCCCHU November 22, 2021
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