When you go to moon someone and there is shit on your ass
OH NO was mooning someone and it turned into a Bad Moon
by Mahbobeh May 27, 2023
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a sub world in RAIN WORLD were its COMPLEATLY barren of life (except SHOCK jelly fish (idk what they are), neon flies, and LOOKS TO MOON.) there really Isn't much to do here besides looking for those collectable plants and visiting looks to moon
by someone else thats not u March 8, 2021
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When you put your hands on your partners ass and yell "I'M WHALING ON THE MOON" . Commonly done after injecting 30 pots
by Resiean November 6, 2014
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A significant day in history on 11/08/2022 where a pending extreme election landslide for American republicans referred to as a red wave, where a rare event called the blood moon has occured, that is conincidantally the same time as the witching hour (3am). A blood moon signals the falling of a king where power is given to the people, a Republican form of government, hence the Republicans taking power.
This is no ordinary blood moon, but the MAGA moon
by countchokcula November 8, 2022
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two friends who have fucked in the same room as one another
omg we became moon sisters last night!”
by katiemeade_10 March 25, 2022
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When you have sex in a small dorm room at the same time as your roommate
my ex and his best friend came to visit last night. his bsf was totally into my roommate so we became moon sisters over night.
by shawker March 25, 2022
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a person who is kind and sweet but also crazy called BlackBull
oh look the BB moon is here again
by BB Moon December 18, 2021
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