When you criticize someone for taking too long to text back like the have big hands like Andre The Giant.
The Hulk Hogan text buster made people’s business more efficient.
by Coop Dupe April 12, 2022
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When you criticize someone for taking too long to text back like they have big hands like Andre The Giant.
The Hulk Hogan text buster made people’s business more efficient.
by Coop Dupe October 18, 2022
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Often used as an expression to meet up with friends.
Text you at fivish!
by Bilbock September 10, 2022
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When two people mostly text instead of talking to each other in person. When talking in person can be extremely awkward.
Kayla : Jude, get out of your comfort zone and actually talk to someone! Stop having a text relationship!
by kaylllllaaaaaa&judddditthhh September 24, 2017
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When you sparkle something for being funny but dark and what you see on tiktok comments like 🙊✨Teheheh✨🙈 and is said in cursive
Person 1: *watches megan is missing tiktok*
Person 1: *goes to comments section*
Person 1: Comments, OMFG megan ✨let me join you✨
Person 2: Wtf did you just type

Person 1: Fairy Text...
Person 2: Fucking weirdo
by Never.mine December 8, 2020
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You're dominate texting hand. The one that you use more frequently. Mostly your dominate hand too.
My left hand feels awkward with my phone in it so I use my texting hand when I'm laying down.
by Kennedy529 May 9, 2015
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