A comeback and/or insult
"Let's get off my mom, cause I just got off yours"
by your mom March 11, 2003
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insult or random phrase that can be thrown into a conversation at any time. popularized by little known, but now famous at Wakefield, Adam Faigan.
Kate: Hey Adam, pass me that stapler, will you?

Adam: Your Mom's a stapler! *snickers*
~no one laughs as he looks around~
You All Hate me. you're all mean to me *pretends to cry*

Kate: Shut up Adam
by kate May 16, 2004
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an insult you use to someone you dont like or you just want them to leave you alone
Carrie:Hey kid!
Carrie:your bf doesnt call you as much as mine calls me..
Sarah:Well....YOUR MOM!
Carrie:your dad!
by Sarah March 7, 2004
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Used by asshats who can't think of anything better to say.

It is safe to assume what they meant was "I want your mom."
Asshat: Your mom.
World: Your two dads.
Asshat: Ouch, that hurt. Your mom.
by I hate your mom April 18, 2004
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a derogative comment usually used when one does not have a worthy comeback
by Stone cold February 24, 2006
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a moral answer for any question, whether or not it makes sense.
where are we going? your mom!
by Yerr Maam June 25, 2005
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