1. A person who parties harder then anyone at an event where drinks are in red party cups, ex college party, house party. Someone who always seems to show up when the party is started, because they themselves bring the party with them. Girls want to be with them, guys want to be them.

2. A song by rap group Greatness & Co. who coined the term.
Hater: "That guy is an asshole. He just stole my girl."
Girl: "She wasn't even with you, and he is way cooler. He is a red cup rockstar."

Fan: "Hey have you heard that new G&C song? Its called Red Cup Rockstars. I want to play it at our next party."
by Polzin July 27, 2009
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A huge(and awesome tour,annual festival) 08 was its first year The headline bands were Disturbed,Slipknot,Mastadon,Dragonforce while there were many other awesome METAL bands at the Mobile Hot Topic and Jaggermister stages.
Person 1: Dude Rockstar Mayhem Festival was awesome, ill never be the same again
Person 2: Dude you should put this on urban dictionary
by Shinhiko August 7, 2008
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A song that popularized rap-rock and changsta gangs.
"Shop Boyz, rockstars ! Yeah we like them changsta gangs! Party like a rockstar!
by Skyedot August 3, 2009
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Hardcore partying; Debotchery at its finest.
After having been up for 2 days, we polished off another 5th of Bacardi 151, then went to the Mexican strip club for some lovin'. And we missed Church too.
by Tha Cuddla April 22, 2004
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It is when you get disconnected with a variety of errors from the unreliable servers of Rockstar while playing Red Dead Online.
Oh man, this has to be the 1000th time i got Rockstarred (R*d) tonight.

I heard mike has been trying to join the game since last weekend, but he gets Rockstarred (R*d) every time.
by The CowPoke August 6, 2020
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When the annoying people in your life are calling you and you wait until you are sure they have heard it connect...then hit ignore.
My baby daddy, Tim, called me when he knew I was with Mike, so I rockstared his call.

If you call me one more time, I'm going to rockstar your call.
by fearless115 March 5, 2010
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a great song by the shop boyz. got lots of airtime during the early summer of 2007. the shop boyz have been collaborating guitar riffs into their rap music, some saying making a new genre of rap music.
party like a rock, party like a rockstar.
by manchild23 June 25, 2007
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