He is a dumbass random dipshit that always disses his friends cause he can’t find a girl to fuck. He is also secretly gay
Zach just touched a guys dick.
by Plz work this time May 24, 2019
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Zach the gayest person I know but somehow has a girlfriend. Gets extremely butthurt when you spell his name with a h. He's a sweat on the dumbest subjects school but is a dumbass he doesn't do math. Zach is a faggot constantly touches boys and talks about seggs. is a loser weeb who watches anime but not ripped so cant defend himself for being a weeb. Zach is also on edge of being a e boy as he's a skater kid that wears chains from Bunnings on his jeans and when he wears shorts you wanna die.
Zach touched me again
by dghmjhk,.mkhggdfsfghjk,jhgfdsd February 24, 2022
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A pissy little bitch who gets upset when he doesn't get what he wants, also he's very gay who has a measly bodycount of 1
"Oh look at that cunt what a pussy"
"I know right, looks like zach"
by @therealharoldhegarty June 3, 2019
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1) Has a big dick, able to get ladies just by saying "What's good slatterinos".
"God, Zach is so hot, right Michelle?"
by BigPP_Daddio12369 November 22, 2021
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Zach is a person
Zach is a chill person
by Loadiing December 3, 2018
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A fucking disgusting greasy crustacean. Thinks he's better than everyone else. Can't draw to save his life.
Zach is such a crusty boy.
by Lumpycheeze June 6, 2019
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