a small ill tempered little midget who has a larged dicked husband russell. enjoys cum in every hole and often has sex with cows
dude i cannot beleive scott got a job here
by houseguest888 December 14, 2010
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A dude that has a small dick and likes to take it in the poo hole.
Nobody wants to have sex with scott.
by drlove6969 April 4, 2015
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The best character in Anthony Horowitz's novel entitled Nightrise, the third book in the Gatekeepers series, as well as Necropolis, the fourth book in said series, who deserves more recognition than he got after being tortured mentally and physically.
On another note, he is Washoe Indian, hails from Reno, Nevada, accidentally murdered one of his past guardians with his ability to control people's minds, has a twin brother named Jamie, argues with the leader (aka Matt) quite often, and once again, is the best character in the series!
Scott Tyler totally owns the rest of the five.

Scott Tyler deserved more parts in the last two novels, but he was hardly in there.

Scott Tyler is amazing. :D
by RavenAngelxX October 24, 2009
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A scott is a little midget boy with no friends he has a tiny dick with no pubes
by Lil yay June 20, 2018
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Random: Look at that loser sitting on his own
Me: Yeah he's such a Scott... He's Scott no friends
by EmRose007 August 18, 2011
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A friend (male ) who will wager a blow job to another friend (also male) but will not follow through with said blow job
"Quit being a Scott and suck my dick bro!"
by wayne69 February 23, 2014
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EEyore'........EEyore........Woe is me! An absolute idiot......A simplistic deputy dog.........Incredibly sensitive man who will cry like a girl at a drop of a tune. EEyore...... EEyore........Why me? Scott is someone who brings up red flags....questionable past. Oh Shit! We are doomed. OHHH Gosh! He loves to wet his line. A Jester, a fool, in the fishing world.
Oh my, my life is over. My life has been Scotted. Help me so I do not cry.
by Mad Hatter-Ass August 16, 2010
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