Honestly she is so annoying like all the time she’s talking like SHUT UPPPP. She’s so mean to her boyfriend mekhi and she always thinks she can beat him up but she even knows she can’t. she thinks she’s a bad bitch but she isn’t
by Sabrina Thompson October 29, 2019
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1. Someone won't leave the house until their teal pants come out of the wash.

2. Someone who laughs like a crow on crack cocaine.
Person A: "They would have been here an hour ago, but they just messaged saying they're still waiting for their pants."

Person B: "What's that sound? Did a garbage truck just hit a cat?!"

Person A: "Oh good here they come. What a Sabrina, amirite?"
by NotMizan July 28, 2018
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The type of person to steal your phone and hog it the whole day
Sabrina: Can i use your phone?

Me: ig...

Sabrina 5 hours later: here you go

Me: .....
by Nobody:PLMAO February 11, 2020
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Sabrina is a nasty hoe that thinks she’s intitiled to everything. She needs a real wheave and needs attitude adjustment. She can suck a fat dick, but no one would let her nasty ass mouth touch it.
Kayleigh: Who’s that mean bitch.
Britney: Idk prolly a Sabrina
by Dhhdbfbdb January 28, 2019
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Sabrina is a lil suck up bitch with issues.
"yo who is that chick?"

"Don't talk to her, her name is Sabrina..."
by heneedssumdick May 2, 2020
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Sabrina is a very picky and Judgmental girl. She will probably find 15 different deal breakers within 1 hour of your first date. She will make it known that you don’t meet her standards, and that you are far inferior. Despite all these deal breakers however, in a cute and curious way she will keep you around. She will still let you know you don’t meet standards but will give you another chance. Sabrina’s are cute, funny, smart, and most of all fun to talk to. If you can manage to stick around you are in for some fun dates. Also, if you are a Caleb you stand no chance, and should just not try in the first place.
Guy 1: dude this girl named Sabrina on (generic dating app) is way cute!!

Guy 2: dude, your a Caleb... give it up... you would have better luck at winning the lottery...

Guy 1: well, I’ll swipe up anyways man... it’s not like we are going to match anyways...

Guy 2: Don’t say I didn’t warn you man
by J-BeibLovR June 9, 2018
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Sabrina: A prissy girl often whiny and attention starved. She will suck up to anybody and everybody. Dumber than a bag of rocks! (This only applies to certain Sabrinas, right?) JK! 😜
Person 1: Geez Sabrina is being such a suck up today.
Person 2: I know, right?
by Whysosad? April 7, 2016
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