A term of endearment used to describe ones perfect girlfriend. Naturally the girl is required to have nice hair and quality flack skills in order to deserve this name.
by ?*?#*?? April 8, 2008
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Essentialy an unsually aggressive Tumble Weed.

Indigenous to rural America, the Rumble-bumble-tumble-weed has a larger mass than its Tumble Weed counterpart and is capable of travelling at higher speeds.

The kinetic energy produced by the Rumble-bumble-tumble-weed is unprecedented. Small to medium sized farm arnimals are particularly at risk as they become entangled in Rumble-bumble-tumble-weeds complex knottyness.

Typically after being subjected to a violent onslaught victims are usually found dead on the rooftops of buildings up to five miles away.

Sometimes animals are found without their skins, and sometimes much much worse...
Person A:
I have dead animals on the roof of my house. Why?

Person B:
Hmm ok... Are the animals intact?

Person A:

The chickens look fine, the pigs and the cow have no legs and no faces.

Person B:
Hmm. Was it windy last night?

Person A:
Yes. Very.

Person B:
Ah ha!

Person A:

Person B:
Twas the Rumble-bumble-tumble-weed!
by PsuedoPhilosopher October 27, 2011
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When ur lying in silence with others and you experience a magnifyingly large rumble bumble and stank the room UP!
person 1: *rumble bumble*
person 2: *walks in, smells* AYO!! Who TAFAQCK JJYST DID A RUMBLE BUMBLE when i’m SOooOo BUSYYyyY
by QwErTyBeNcH May 20, 2023
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A little more than buzzed, stumbling on words. Not drunk yet. That in between of buzzed and drunk.
I accidentally said “I got a call on my phlone instead of phone” shit, I’m kinda bumbled.
by Norigirl February 22, 2020
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Noun: a group of American Revolutionary War reenactors. Usually known for not following the plan of battle or events, they tend to bumble around the camps and battlefields, showcasing their ineptitude as compared to the noble and professional British Line.
The American forces at Fort Ticonderoga we're their typical ineffective Bumbling of Doodles. They painted lines on the ground to tell them where to go.
by Pvt Malcontent September 23, 2022
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