An american man who weighs over 250 lbs smokes, drinks and insults anybody who criticizes him.
Timmy:Hey have you seen bradley?
Jane:Yeah, he’s such a Yellow-Brow.
by Bio_Marine November 17, 2021
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"I was giving her a rim job but she didn't shave her o-brow.. The hairs got stuck in me teeth."
by obrowlover69 October 27, 2014
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A slit in your eyebrow to make you look 'swag'. Most faggits have them to make them look gangster or chavvy looking but in real life they just look like c**ts
Lad: ohh mate got my swag brow today boiz!
Gang: mate it looks sick!
Lad: git git
by slacky123 July 26, 2015
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Patch of pubic hair above the vagina.
She had a thick brow buffer when I went down on her.
by RT Rules June 1, 2018
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The Halo Brow is a phenomenon where women create a fake eyebrow that circles the top of their head, it's the Dirty Sanchez re-invented for 2018, or to help men know where they should be dropping their loads on the foreheads. This is popular on Instagram.
Phoebe thought she was the talk of the town when she got her halo brow, but realized now she is more of a freak than she expected. Tanya hates smelling the Dirty Sanchez so he asked her boyfriend to draw a halo brow on her forehead.
by FuglyMugCompany March 9, 2018
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When a girl shaves her eyebrows off so she can draw in or stick on new ones that look totally different on her face.

Ashley Brows are usually angled at least 45 degrees and if they came together would look like the C7 Chevrolet Corvette symbol.

Ashley Brows can make you look mean or like you are really focused on a person to the point of straining your eyes, even though you may be completely relaxed in reality.

When Ashley Brows are over widely opened eyes where you can see white all the way around the iris, they are called Mings - because Ashley Brows. An make you look like Ming the Merciless from Glash Gordon.
“Yo, when Steve took Ashley to the Tampa Bay Lightning game- she donned her Ashley Brows. It took her 1 hr to shave off her natural eyebrows and pencil in some Mings.”

Steve is a flyers fan and wore his old #1 Bernie P jersey, while Ashley wore her all Blue Stamkos, #91 jersey. Steve had to tell
Some other flyers fans at the game to knock it off when they kept calling Ashley “Flash” when TB scored. Steve had to clarify that it’s not Flash but Ming the Merciless…an easy mistake with the big lightning bolt on the front of Ashley’s jersey.
by No Tango and no Cash September 20, 2023
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