A man who is racist to Jews and Hayes them its all of his heart. Nazi blooded people just hate Jews
When Ryan went to his friend's house for dinner they were having a Hanukkah dinner, then Ryan said "dude, your Jewish?" Then left slamming they door saying fuck you dumbasses. Ryan has nazi blood said the friends mother.
by Wizard poodle February 18, 2015
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The act of using a female's period blood as lubrication while fucking them in the ass.
Bro 1: Yo brooo did you see that chick I had over last night?
Bro 2: Yeah bro did you bone her?
Bro 1: The red river was flowing, had to take the dirt road home through a blood bog.
Bro 2: Oh shit.. Nice determination - She had a killer ass.
by Just some fuckboy October 18, 2017
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An overly eager and vulgar woman seeking a younger, more supple partner. Use it to replace the term Cougar.
by FranAnnPan January 10, 2021
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blood spunk could be the obvious (shaging a woman whilst its the time of the month) or just a way of expelling anger ....
arrrrrhg you fucking blood spunk .
look at yus you got fuckin blood spunk on me fuckin bed.
by Napalm Viper March 13, 2012
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Achievement: masturbating, until you bleed. an honor amongst fapstors
bio: Entrepreneur, activist, first obtained the blood snake 10-12-2014
by KazDK December 13, 2016
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