The ROT13 encoding of the ever-popular exclaimation Oh Snap! It adds a new layer of mystery to the phrase which makes even the most prepared nooby's head spin. Sounds like a foreign phrase, too, so the ladies come flocking.
Nappy: i m haxor loloraz

Slifie: Shut it n00b.

Greg: Bu Fanc!
by gtiff123 August 2, 2005
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A person, when driving, who has the incentive to always be in front of the bus by any means necessary.
This being:
Overtaking dangerously
• Driving Recklessly
• Dangerous use of speed
*Bus driver gets cut up by a car when pulling off a roundabout*
“What an idiot! Looks like he has a bad case of Beat The Bus Syndrome”
by BusDriverJordan September 17, 2021
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When something is so unbelievably bussing that it is considered to be premium bus-bus
Those nerds gummy clusters were premium bus-bus
by porsche girl September 26, 2023
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A bus company in Southampton which owns Unilink buses & the Quayconnect service

9/10 the bus will turn up although some times it likes to think it most frequent routes is every 30 mins when it supposed to be every 10 mins

And never ever go though Millbrook on the Bluestar 18 & 7 as you will literally die

God save our bluestar bus management
Bluestar bus
by Richard 1128 August 5, 2023
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one of the greatest words of all time can be used as a pronoun the Chinese meaning is titties
xhiang bu fa wwa yo ta i ki tyan
by dawoodahakbar November 12, 2020
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Many think of the band bus as a place that lacks chaperones. But for many, there is chaperones. The band bus has many opportunities for inside jokes and overhearing strange conversations.
“Let’s play the poop song!”
No please don’t play the poop song”
“No murder on the band bus!”
“Please stop sacrificing the short kid.”
*concerning screaming*
“Is that the notre dame?”
“No idiot, it burned down”
(The last one happened in California)
by Lil pasketti May 26, 2020
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