An efficient, simple word to replace the more complex "anal assault of a sexual nature" because, well, that is an unnecessarily complex, redundant phrase.
Bob feared his time in prison. He knew daily, even hourly ass-ault was on the menu for him in an "all you can eat" banquet sort of way, since he was new meat in the con-dom. He would come prepared. He would not lose this opportunity of a lifetime. He went on a rigorous training program of dealing with lawyers and duct cleaners, always bending over and taking one for the team. He knew how to fit it in anywhere. And he would not climax until his way had been had at least daily.
by You rReal Name July 9, 2020
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Poptart ass niggas refers to a lightskin, mixed-breed, jellybean, who is too pussy to do anything.
"Hey, look! They some poptart ass niggas!" - Huncho Da Demon
by Huncho and Mon$tr February 8, 2019
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Why you looking this up you already know it
it went in and went out dat lil ass 40
by yachickfav April 22, 2022
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"Last night was rough. I'm not feeling great this morning. "

"It must have been that german ass fucker"
by Abacaxi May 24, 2015
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A large sling attached to substantial structural supports designed to hold a lazy, obese person aloft for purposes of anal sex with minimal effort.
Jeffrey is too fat and lazy for a sex swing so he built an ass hoist attached to the roof beam so he can play X-Box while getting railed.
by Hot Franklin July 29, 2022
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Every person heard this once in your life. If you cant FIGURE OUT WHATS MISSING, TAKE YO ASS TO CHURCH.
1:I need to go back to the bar and post up.
2:For What?
1:I think better there.
2:What you need to do is take yo ass to church. The bar may be there still afterwards. Plus it quieter than the bar.
1:Bitch will you get off my case and let me drink for once!
2: your choice.
by Thatfatgirl1985. February 14, 2021
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