When your friends you introduced to each other no longer invite you out for a drink they just go without you
I just got a video text of Bill and Bobby having a drink without me. I guess I am not Bill and Bobby worthy
by Artie T April 23, 2019
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Bill bean is a very sweaty cheese TOASTIE and plays fortnite 230 hours a day also he uses anonymous mode cuz he thinks hes a streamer but someone got more views stamping his foot than his fortnite montages
Hes very sweaty he must be a bill bean
by Jesus Dad August 15, 2019
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A god in science.

He is a scientist who explains subjects in science via jokes.
He is amazing.
teacher: "Okay children who do you want to watch?"
student:"Bill nye the science guy!"
by a person ok? October 29, 2021
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the act of calling for one receipt for the whole table and picking it up, rather than splitting meals, appetizers, and costs between the group
Waitress: So is this all together or separate checks?
Tony: I'll get this one.
Mark: You sure man?
Tony: Yeah, I got it. Just bill the table.
by DontAskAgain October 28, 2021
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the act of intentionally ejaculating on a piece of clothing, preferably on a blue dress. May also be used as a noun (Bill Clinton) to describe the ejaculate.
Person 1: "Oh yeah! Taste my Bill Clinton!" *ejaculates*

Person 2: "Eric! Are you Bill Clintoning It again?"

Person 3: "Damn it Eric you Bill Clintoned on my favorite dress!"
by JackMasterBater November 9, 2023
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Putting sleeping pills in your friends drink without them knowing
I bill Cosby’d Levi the night before his exam.
by mfplayer16 October 26, 2018
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The reason why weeks after you have any health care you get stacks of bills from the doctor, the facility, the nurse, the pharmacy, the lab, and the guy who cleans the floors every other Saturday.

Even after you've paid the stupid $20 copay.
"I went to my doctor two months ago for a sore throat and I paid my $20 copay. Now I've gotten $847 worth of extra bills for the office visit, strep test, and a shot of penicillin. The office manager told me that was how much I owe in balance billing since I haven't met my $12,000 deductible."
by WackeMD October 3, 2018
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