A boring, monotonous, and tedious to watch English sport played by nations with no clue on how to play, nor create, anything better.

A sport that has no shame in stupidly kicking a ball back and forth for 90 minutes to then end the match at 0-0.

A sport that despite its pointless monotony comes up with the stupid rule of offside to make it even more absurdly contrived and monotonous.

A sport where a referee can claim whatever he damn pleases and it goes even if the call is obviously 100% inaccurate, catastrophic, and on camera.

A sport so frustratingly pointless; yet hyped, that many of its live spectators loose their heads by minute 45 and rather start killing each other during half time.

A sport that makes all athletic Americans realize by 9th grade that thankfully there are other sports like Basketball, Tennis, Baseball, American Football, Lacrosse, Golf, etc.
Soccer is like Absinthe liquor, it seems good, interesting, amusing, complex, and fun but once you consume it you realize that its bad elements are too overpowering, too much of it is just too hard to bare, insisting would be pointless, and you say forget it, thanks God there is Rum, Gin, or Whiskey.
by Gallardo2 June 12, 2010
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A great kickass sport that requires skill, speed, agility, and determination. All the Americans who say soccer is a pussy sport havent tried it they are just cunt faced assholes bitches that say it is low scoring and boring, but scoring a goal is much harder than getting a touchdown. Soccer players are usually natrual athletes and they are hella awesome.
American football fan: Soccer is a pussy sport
Me: *Kicks him in his tiny balls*
American football fan: OW
Me: Thats how a soccer player kicks bitch*spits on face*
by Eric! September 20, 2006
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The best f***ing sport in the world!!!!
all you people who just sit there and say it suks, get off ur lazy ass and try it! i hav been playing 4 SEVEN YEARS and i still cant do a lot ov the tricks that cum with the sport!!! and im the best in my class at it!
soccer player: i stil cant get this pro trick rite.
moron: why do you play soccer? it sucks!
soccer player lists a number of tricks she can do: can you do any of those?
moron: no
soccer player: well then get off the field, MORON!!!
by soccer player June 14, 2005
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The worst god damned sport on earth
Soccer sucks that's why I quit to wrestle witch also sucks
by Kevin moronson July 1, 2016
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A sport played world wide, but in most countries called football, not soccer. Here in the US many people think the US team is bad, but they are wrong. When the US mens national team entered Germany this Summer they were ranked 12 out of Fifa's 127 mens' teams, not so good are they? The sport originated in England and was spread to its colonies on several continents, for is one reason of its global domination. In the US many American Football fans and players will out of nowhere call a soccer player words such as Gaypher, Puccy, and Baby, even though they are covered in foot thick pads and break every thirty seconds to hudle in a circle and use poor vocabulary to make up plays. I have played both so don't criticize me for being "ignorant" to either sport. I think we should put much more effort into excepting soccer teams and players into our country, for soccer is our image in sports to the rest of the world. it takes speed, agility, intellegence, and common sense, {and also does not pay more for a player the fatter they are}!
American Football Fan: *While eating bags of chips and jumping off of the couch when some guy catches a ball in a marked area* "You play soccer, thats a puccy sport!"

Soccer Player: Yeah, and I don't have to weigh over 300 pounds to join the team either.

American Football Fan: Well, they really sucked up this World cup while in erm...wasn't it China?

Soccer Player: it was Germany, and mabye if you watched the sport once in a while you would notice how they are in the top 10 percentile of Fifa ranking...
by Jibbyjab August 7, 2006
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The best sport in the world. nuff said.
Dang. Soccer is so much better than the the gay football.
by caleb ward October 11, 2008
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A sport that Americans don't like, and the rest of the world does. Americans are constantly called ignorant and stupid for not liking it, because we aren't obsessed with it like everyone else is. The only sport that requires training in the art of footsy, and extensive acting lessons in faking injuries in order to play
"Aaaand here we go. Here's a pass. And then another pass. Je passes it again, and it's taken away! Now the ball is going the other direction. There's a pass, and another one, oh no! That guy got kicked in the leg, he's crying and rolling on the ground in agony! Nope, nevermind he's all right now. And here's a pass. Another pass. Aaaand another. Now a backwards pass. He shoots, GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAL!"

And after 20 minutes of players prancing around celebrating, were underway once again. He passes the ball. There's another pass. Another. And another. Soccer Is so much fun. Ooh another pass..."
by Spaz1164 July 26, 2010
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