We stayed at the top floor of a hotel and had a scenic route.
by Your Alpha October 8, 2021
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A way of moving high in branches to the ground while smacking your head against every single branch on the way down typically used in gorilla tag
The Lucio route is the best at evading people
by Dogxhlcku February 11, 2022
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Road that comes from New York City and crosses over a few towns in New Jersey

At day time you might aswell just put your car in park because of traffic and say your prayers when the cars are moving because nobody knows how to drive properly

At night time if you live in the vicinity good luck sleeping because it becomes a racetrack from 12 am to 5 am, nonstop loud cars speeding by and backfiring
Route 4 needs to be closed forever
by SUMFURRYTHING September 17, 2023
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Originally the name of a prominent freeway in Ohio, now used to express the act of throwing something onto the freeway and presumably getting ran over in the process.
My phone is out of warranty? Meh. Just Route 2 it.
by Gym Floor Cheeto November 18, 2021
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To inspect, and explore, one's anus.
Dan had to inspect Stuart's evacuation route, and it made him harder than Chinese algebra.

"Inspect the evacuation route, Dan"
"Don't fucking have to tell me twice."
*tongue drools*
by Phantom Spaceman July 20, 2017
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Someone who is annoying beyond belief
Someone is being annoying so you say to them

“You are rout
by December 20, 2020
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