When you have a roommate that just won’t shut up so you take their whitey tighties and lift them over the back of their head
I’m totally going to whitey tighty pant lift my roommate if he doesn’t stop talking.
by Dookiepoopy August 19, 2021
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The act of removing the back of your whitey tighty strap and lifting it over someone’s head so that your ballsack makes direct contact with their face. The perpetrator typically wiggles their balls so as to inflict the most butt assery.
“If you say anything else about my nose I’m going to whitey tighty ball face you!”
by Dookiepoopy December 23, 2021
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The white castle hamburger, aka slider. There is a serious imbalance between the onion:meat ratio.
In this burger, there are too many onions and not enough meat.
by Zach G. January 17, 2004
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A hamburger(?) from White Castle (flavor is enhanced by an evening of drinking prior to the meal). See slider.
I'm about to quickly ingest 10 Mighty Whitey One-bities! Burrrrrp!
by Dave Thomas August 26, 2003
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Honkeyfied version of 'fo shigga my nigga.'

To sarcastically pretend to agree with someone of Caucasian background over a frivolous issue that is made out to be a serious life issue.
Whitey 1. I started out using an Android phone then switched to the iPhone thinking it would put me in a higher class. But after a few months I realized people using iPhones were no better than Android users so I switched back. Now I feel much better about myself and feel that I've gained back my life.

Whitey 2. Well alrighty my whitey.
by Pink Cheer Guy September 3, 2017
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Thighty Whiteys are more used by girls then boys. Girls will probably laugh if they see you wearing these. These are girls underwear.
Tighty whiteys boys or girls? I asked a girl what was wrong with Thighty Whiteys when I was in year 7. She pulled my trousers down and pulled her skirt down and we were wearing the same Womens underwear.

Another time I was forced to wear my twin sisters knickers but I forgot we had gym. I was pushed into the girls changing room just wearing my knickers and they were all in there bras and knickers. They gave me a hanging wedgie and took pictures to send to the school website. They got a long last lipstick and put some on my lips and wrote Sexy Girl on my nipples. I was so embarrassed I wet my knickers. Know I wear my sister pink bra ad knickers everyday because if I don't people will see the Sexy Girl written on me.
by D unknown H February 3, 2008
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